New Years tradition; to go out and watch when others burn their money.

I didn't think that the photos would turn out this well. I didn't use a tripod and I expected the photos to look like tangled yarn.

Jag önskar er alla ett gott nytt år och tackar så mycket för att ni tittar förbi min blog nu och då.
I wish you all a happy new year and I thank you all for dropping by my blog now and then.
I wish you all a happy new year and I thank you all for dropping by my blog now and then.
Happy New Year to you! Hope your new year started off well. Thanks for sharing the photos of the snow & ice. It might be deary for you but for us here in South East Asia, its a whole new experience to behold. I have never seen real snow not experienced the wonders of winter.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures of the snow & ice. Hope to see the beauty of spring when it arrives.
happy new year, sanna!
haha...yep, i watched a lot of 'money burning' this year too!
p/s great shots
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