Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ut ur stan ~~ Getting out of town

... ibland undrar jag hur det skulle vara att åka pulka här nerför ...

... sometimes I wonder how it would be to ride a sleigh down here ...



... inte så glada över sällskapet.

... not so happy about the company.

På vägen hem.

On the way back home.

Orre (Tetrao tetrix) Black Grouse

I spotted them high up in a tree, yelled at my husband to stop the car. He's used to it and he managed to stop in no time. I opened the car door. Got one foot out and found that my other foot was stuck in the car heater cord. Balancing on one leg, still trying to get my foot loose, I got the camera up and ... then they took off flying. This is a composite of the two photos that I managed to take.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Vår väder i februari ~~ Spring weather in February

Kan du se vad jag ser? Tallen, den är hjärtformad.

Can you see what I see? The pine tree it's heart shaped.

Öppet vatten i skärgården.
Senast detta skedde (på denna tid utav året) var på 60 talet.

Open water in the archipelago.
The last time this happened (at this time of year) was in the 60's.