Jag har varit för trött för att göra detta tydligt tidigare men nu tänker jag ändra på det. Jag bor i norra Sverige och vi ser inte så mycket solljus så här mitt i vintern. Första fotot är taget mitt på dagen den 13e december 2007, solen når knappt över trädtopparna.

I've been too tired to make this clear before but now I've decided to change that. I live in northern Sweden and we don't get much sunlight in the middle of the winter. The first photo is taken at noon the 13th December 2007, the sun barely reaches above the treetops.

Nästa foto är taget mitt på dagen den 27e december 2008. Vi har ungefär 4 timmar mellan soluppgång och solnedgång, men, vi bor i en liten svacka så solen nåt inte riktigt ner till oss. Fotot är taget en 45 minuters promenad ifrån området där vi bor.

The next photo is taken at noon on the 27th December 2008. We have about 4 hours between sunrise and sunset, but, we live in a dell so the sun doesn't quite reach down to us. The photo is taken a 45 minute walk away from the area where we live.

Detta fotot är taget den 1a februari klockan 12:04 och det syns tydligt att vi har längre dagar nu. Nu är det omkring 7 timmar mellan soluppgång och solnedgång.

This photo is taken the 1st February at 12:04 and it shows clearly that we have longer days now. (The sun ishigher up on th esky.) Now we have 7 hours between sunrise and sunset.

Detta betyder så klart att vi har ljusa nätter på sommaren istället. Vi bor söder om polcirklen så solen försvinner nedanför horisonten en liten stund mitt i natten, med det är fortfarande ljust ute. Nästa foto är taget en timma före midnatt (sommar tid inräknad) den 22a juni 2006.

This does of course mean that we have white nights during the summer instead. We live south of the arctic circle so the sun does dip down below the horizon for a little while in the middle of the night. The next photo is taken one hour before midnight (daylight savings is added into the calculation) the 22nd June 2006.

Och det sista fotot är taget vid midnatt samma natt.

And the last photo is taken at midnight the same night.

Wow! Thank you Sanna for sharing that. I've never lived, or even been, so far north. In a way it's a wonderful thing to have such variation in light, but I don't know how well I'd fare without light during the day for so long.
Those are absolutely gorgeous photos!
I hope you are feeling well now. I think of you often and hope things are good for you.
So.... the land of the midnight sun! You're welcome to some of ours!!!! It may be 40 degrees this weekend!
Nydelige vinterbilder som viser hvordan vi har det å våre breddegrader på denne årstiden.
Utrolig vakre som formidler en stemning...
Hilsen fra Anne i midt Norge.
Your skies seem beautiful in the north of Sweden any time of year.
Your daylight must be getting significantly longer now that the northern hemisphere is halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.
I have read about this but have yet to witness it for myself. This is the first time I have ever seen photos of this phenomenon! How lovely it all looks, but I would like the white nights better than the dark winter days.
The long dark days must be difficult (they're bad enough in Scotland). But at least the light is growing now. I've been in Sweden at midsummer - very wonderful and strange to be in daylight at 1 o'clock in the morning. Love this sequence of photos.
Well done: that's an excellent lesson in the subtle turning point in the seasons.
Bildene ble bare penere og pener til lenger ned man kom i saken. Flotte bilder og herlige farger! God helg :o)
Love them all but the last two are my favorites. Very nice.
The sun on the sky line makes for a great siloette shot of the trees. Love it Smiles B
Absolutely fantastic - So very interesting & what a beautiful MIDNIGHT shot there!!! That's hard for me to imagine a shot like that at midnight, but it's absolutely beautiful!!!
Absolutely beautiful! I couldn't imagine a midnight view like that -- it's just magical :) Come visit mine when you have the time.
Inside Cambodia
Nydelige himler hos deg, Sanna :) Jeg hadde selv min barndom i Finnmark, så lyse netter vet jeg å sette pris på. Vakkert :)
Fantastisk fine bilder,alle sammen.Sola er kommet tilbake her jeg bor også nå,det er så deilig å få litt lysere dager.Ha en fin helg!
All beautiful shots! I especially like the 3rd one.
Så vackra bilder du har här. Ljuset - jag har berättat också från det, men inte med så många bilder. Jag bor i Finland.
Meget flott bilde serie du viser her.
Absolute gorgeous :)
This is really intriguing, Sanna, and something that I just can't imagine 'cos our nights are really dark. Throughout the year, the sun rises on the average at 7.00 a.m. and sets at 7.00 p.m. give or take one hour rise or set depending on the time of the year. When I was in Ukraine visiting my daughter, the night was still bright at 9.00 p.m. and I felt really odd. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks Sanna for sharing the beautiful scenery and the info on the sunrise/sunset so far up north. I used to wonder why Europeans like to sit in the sun when in Malaysia we like to avoid direct sunlight. Now the answer is quite clear. The sun is over our heads at midday and blazingly hot!
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