Friday, June 26, 2009

Sommar blomster ~~ Summer flowers

Lupin (Lupinus perennis) Sundial lupine

Liten Blåklocka (Campanula rotundifolia) Harebell

Brännässla (Urtica dioica) Stinging nettle

Hundkäx (Anthriscus sylvestris) Keck

Smörblomma (Ranunculus acris) Meadow Buttercup

Kamomill (Matricaria chamomilla) German Chamomile
Förgätmigej (Myosotis scorpioides) True Forget-me-not

Okänd -Unknown

Rödklöver (Trifolium pratense) Redclover

Kråkvicker (Vicia cracca) Tufted Vetch

Tjärblomster (Silene viscaria) Sticky Catchfly

Gulvial (Lathyrus pratensis) Meadow vetchling


Kutuharju said...

Lovely pictures, they make me miss our little summer place - with a meadow and all those particular flowers blossoming there right now that I have to spend my summer in town and work (still for a while). My sister lives in Sweden :) men jag kan inte komma ihåg hur skulle man tala svenska :O

joo said...

Beautiful flowers - we have all of them here in Poland as well:)
Have a nice week!

Divemuster said...

The Förgätmigej is so pretty!