Monday, August 16, 2010

Igelkott (Erinaceus europaeus) European Hedgehog

Min familj och våra grannar hade sett igelkottar i området där vi bor, men jag hade inte haft en sådan tur. Så en kväll så ligger jag i badet, och då knackar vår yngste son på dörren och berättar att igelkotten är på vår gård. Snabbt som blixten så var jag ur badet, i badrocken och ute med kameran och där var den. =) Nu hoppas vi att den stannar i området och att ingen kör på den eller har ihjäl den på något annat sätt.

My family and our neighbours had seen hedgehogs in the area where we live, but hadn't been that lucky. Then one evening I'm in the bath, and then our youngest son knocks on the door and tells me that the hedgehog is in our garden. Faster than greased lightning I'm out of the tub, in my bathrobe and out with the camera  and there it was. =) Now we're hopeing that it staya in the area and that no one hits it with a car or kill sin in some other way.


joo said...

They are such lovely creatures:)
There are quite a lot of them in the place I live!

Tony Wildish said...

Hi Sanna,

if you put out peanuts for him, he will likely come back again. Once he finds food there, he'll come regularly to check for more.

We have two hedgehogs that visit every night, take the peanuts I put out, then go round the garden looking for other goodies. It's a great way to control slugs!

According to the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, you should use unsalted peanuts, and crushed or chopped. Whole peanuts can, apparently, get stuck in the roof of the mouth, and cause problems. Grilled peanuts are fine if that's all you can get.

I hope you get to see him again!

Sanna said...

Thank you Tony! =) I didn't know that they eat peanuts. I don't have any at home but I'll make sure to buy some. I also give peanuts to the birds during the winter.