Saturday, June 23, 2007

Midsommardagen ~~ Midsummer's day

Jag var för långt söder ut för att jaga midnatts solen, men jag fick en rätt så bra midnatts bild i alla fall.

I was too far down south to hunt for the midnight sun, but I got a pretty good midnight photo anyways.

Tempel berget. (Det står inget tempel där än, men det kallas ändå tempel berget.)

The temple mountain. (There is no temple there yet, but it's still called the temple mountain by now.)

Sjönäsets hembygdsområde.

Sjönäset ... I don't know how to translate this, I need to look it up somewhere. It's an area where they have put up old houses and such. Some of the houses is almost like museums.

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